Tuesday, May 1, 2007


It's amazing how competitive runners are - or so I've discovered about myself. No way can that "older guy" beat me, or that little kid. These are thoughts that race through my mind while running in a race. So naturally this spurs me to run faster. This may actually post better time at the finish line, but this competitiveness does not enhance some goals of running - enjoying the scenery, chatting with fellow runners etc.
Hey, that guy with one leg is ahead of me --- I better go catch up; until the next blog. Dont let coolbreeze (my other pseudonym) pass you by.


Tonia Hinkle said...

Cool picture. Thank you for your perspective and inspiration!

cassie said...

One of my best friends was in a sorority while she was at UCF and her "sister" nickname was Cool Breeze.

Your name isn't Suzanne is it? :)