Thursday, July 5, 2007


I use my MP3 player to listen to music while I run ; slow music for days when I am feeling tired, upbeat fast music on days when I feel energetic. Occasionally I have to remind myself not to sing out loud; although strangers looking at me oddly is enough of a clue to remind me that I am not a Beverly Sills. Oh, it's for my enjoyment.
I've also used my MP3 to listen to books that I have downloaded. This comes in handy especially on a long flight.


Thank goodness for sites such as liveplasma. I've discovered artists that are similar to my favorites. Without such sites I would have to depend on word of mouth or buy a particular CD for only one song. Now the problem is --- too much music, how can I listen to all of these. Ah! The MP3 player is saving the day. My running life is much better listening to music (I only listen with one ear bud for safety's sake.)
We all know the quote - "if music be the..." etc.
Play on.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Week 8's assignment using Flickr was fairly painless. My next task is to add tags to my pictures. I can see myself adding lots of pictures, but why?